【同义词辨析】 2020-07-01 混合mixture-amalgam

mixture: the most general term, often implies miscellaneousness: planted a ~ of seeds to get a colorful bed of flowers.       mix泛指混合     mixture和miscellaneous互释,都表示杂乱无章,难以分类

admixture: suggests that one or more elements has an alien character: an ~ of coffee and roasted nuts.   烘烤坚果        an admixture of fact and fantasy虚实结合

blend: implies the thorough mingling of similar elements or ingredients: an attitude that was a ~ of disdain and pity.   blended several teas to create a balanced brew混合几种茶叶,调配出均衡的味道

compound: suggests the union of two or more distinguishable or analyzable parts, elements, or ingredients: a ~ of elegance and frivolity.     compound复合暗示可以区分组成成分,如筑有围墙的小区、院子, 围起来的场地,如the compound was subdivided into four living areas那个小区被划分成四块居住区域,如embassy compound大使馆大院,compound还表示化合物,复利compound interest,复合数学表达式compound mathematical expression等

composite: implies that the constituent elements have been artificially or fortuitously combined: a population that is the ~ of many races.     如a composite picture图(= one made from several pictures) ,如Spain is a composite of diverse traditions and people西班牙是一个汇集了多种传统和民族的国家,两个例子都不暗示成分可区分,composite的字面意思是to put together放在一起,和compound相同

amalgam: suggests a complex mixture or the final form into which it hardens: a beneficent attitude that was an ~ of generosity and disdain.     又如the film script is an amalgam of all three books这个电影脚本由三本书合成  

mixture混合: 最通用,常指混杂(即难以分类),admixture混合: 指混入异物,blend混合: 指彻底混合相似的成分,compound合成复合: 表示各成分可以区分,composite组成: 表示组成一体,但不暗示成分可区分,amalgam合成: 表示多种成分混合定形

记忆方法: 1)首字母MABCCA重新排序成MACCAB是一个单词,公元前1世纪犹太祭祀家族<==混合

        2)混合的意思是多事物结合的产物mean a product formed by the combination of two or more things.